Affirming Beta's Commitment to the Host Institution Mission
Rewarding Young Leaders for Meritorious Achievement
Exemplifying Beta's Devotion to Mutual Aid and Assistance
Need-Based Relief Scholarships
With a desire to promote a Beta experience that is affordable to all, the Beta Foundation is offering nearly $150,000 in need-based relief scholarships for its members.
This fall, every chapter is eligible to receive $1,000 to distribute to the member(s) (new or initiated) most in need of financial assistance for tuition-related expenses.
No formal application is necessary to receive the grant from the Beta Foundation. Instead, chapters should assemble a selection committee and review applications directly. After selecting 1-4 members to receive scholarship funds, a representative should submit award winners’ names, addresses and contact information using the survey below by September 30.
Note: Each chapter may decide the number of scholarships awarded and individual scholarship amounts. However, the amounts must be between $250-$1,000 per person and may not exceed the $1,000 grant in total. See this Selection Guidance resource for helpful tips to consider when trying to weigh greatest need.
Need-Based Relief Scholarship Essential Information
Who is eligible for a Need-Based Scholarship grant from the Beta Foundation?
All chapters of Beta Theta Pi, including newly established chapters yet to charter.
Who is an eligible scholarship recipient?
Any collegiate member, new or initiated, may be awarded a scholarship.
How much is the Need-Based Relief Scholarship grant? How much are individual scholarships?
Each chapter is eligible to award $1,000 in total grant funds for the 2022-23 academic year. Chapters may distribute 1-4 total scholarships at $250-$1,000 each. Unused amounts do not carry over.
When can scholarships be awarded?
Chapters should award their scholarship(s) by September 30, 2022.
What if I have additional questions?
Contact Zane Carlson with general questions about the scholarship program or Laura Lednik with questions on/after submitting recipient information.
Essential Links/Downloads
Submit scholarship recipient(s) information
Guidance on the scholarship selection process
Frequently asked questions about the Beta Foundation Need-Based-Relief Scholarships